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Chatham’s 教育 Dep艺术ment offers a major in PreK-4 education, 以及中学英语教师资格证书, 社会研究, 数学, 生物(7-12年级)和艺术(K-12年级). Many Chatham education courses draw from the UN Sustainable Development Goals, preparing you to take steps towards ending poverty, 对抗不平等, and stopping climate change from your position as a classroom teacher. 作为查塔姆教育学院的毕业生, 你会从其他新老师中脱颖而出,因为查塔姆将训练你帮助K-12学生批判性地审视和解决社会问题, 经济问题, 以及他们社区的环境问题. 
  • BA

“We are not just preparing our students for the classroom, we are preparing our students to be conscientious global citizens. Through the lens of the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals, 学生考察教育在使所有社区更加可持续和公平方面所能发挥的作用. 我们的学生学习如何反思自己的信仰体系,以及如何为职业做出贡献. 我们重视那些目前在最佳实践中并且能够将他们的经验传授给我们未来教师的教师.”


Photo of a teacher at the front of a classroom, with students raising their hands


"The education I'm receiving at Chatham is going to prepare me for my time as a teacher. 我们有四层实地实习, and we st艺术 off our second semester of our first year in 学校. 所以我们在学校有了早期的经验,和孩子们一起在学校环境中工作."——伊莎贝拉·文森特,pre -4教育专业


  • Chatham has been named a 2019-2020 Top 教育 College of Distinction, 表彰该项目将文科与教育中的专业编程相结合.
  • 所有学生都要完成一个顶点研讨会,在这个研讨会中,他们要在当地一所学校的教师指导下进行一个行动研究项目. 行动研究是教育工作者用来改善学生成绩和学校环境的一个系统过程. 波胆网站是全国为数不多的提供这种独立的、以学生为导向的项目的大学之一.
  • Earn your Pennsylvania certification and be prepared for advanced studies.
  • 把你对教育和可持续发展的兴趣付诸实践,为查塔姆基金会工作或做志愿者 伊甸园大厅 K-12 program office during your 本科 years


Students examine how an education system and society shape one another. Topics include the purpose of school in society; how social constructs (i.e. 比赛, gender) interact with the education system; issues of power and control; the role of technology, and how we can provide an education for all that promotes equity and sustainability.


本课程着重于有效教学实践的特点,并探讨有效教师帮助学生学习的不同教学模式. 首先向学生介绍这些模型,然后使用他们所学的模型进行教学实践.  课程还讨论了与可持续性和公平性教育相一致的最佳实践,如逆向设计, 性能评估, 以及基于项目的学习.  学生们学习如何为不同的学生群体创造教学,以便所有人都能在课堂上取得成功. 


本课程为学生提供与学生多样性有关的问题的理解,并探讨社区之间的伙伴关系和关系, 学校, 学生及家长. 学生将了解社会如何构建种族等类别, 性, 民族性出现了, 进化, 通知, 并影响个体, 学校, 家庭和社区. This course prepares students for responsible citizenship in a global community.


入学 requirements are set by Chatham University, 众议院法案1816, Chapter 354 of the Pennsylvania School Code and the Pennsylvania Dep艺术ment of 教育.

*Advance Standing 本科 入学 to 教育 Programs Requirements

In accordance with 众议院法案1816 and Chapter 354 regulations, all 本科 students must apply for Advanced Standing by the time they have attempted 48 creditsThis includes any student wishing to earn certification in the state of Pennsylvania; PreK-4, 次要内容区, k - 12艺术, 等. 转学生必须在参加查塔姆学院的教育课程之前申请Advanced Standing.  As stated in 众议院法案1816 and Chapter 354 regulations, 没有申请高级学位和/或没有达到PDE要求的高级学位最低要求的教育学生 NOT permitted to continue taking education courses.

In order to be considered for advanced standing a student:

  1. 必须保持3分.0的绩点
  2. Pass or show evidence of passing one of the basic skills exams required by PDE
  3. Complete six credits of English (composition and literature) at the 100 level or higher
  4. Complete six credits of math at the 100 level or higher
  5. Completed 本科 Application for Advanced Standing
  6. 必须有两封推荐信:
    1. One letter must be from a Chatham University 教育 faculty member
    2. One letter must be from a professional reference OR another faculty
  7. Recommendation from Chatham University’s 教育 Dep艺术ment

Please note that students may be conditionally accepted to the program for any reason, 包括学习成绩差, excessive tardiness and absenteeism and other reasons. 


By the end of the specific program, students must earn an overall 3.0的绩点, 在研究生阶段的所有认证课程中取得B-或以上的成绩,在本科阶段的所有认证课程中取得C-或以上的成绩, complete all field work including practicum or student teaching, 通过相应认证领域的认证测试和所有大学要求.

All required and elective courses for certification assess the students via portfolios, 类的演讲, 课程项目, 论文考试, 以及现场经验. 完成课程后,学生将拥有一个完整的笔记本图书馆,其中包含课程笔记、讲义、作业和每门课程收集的其他信息. 所有课程都符合宾夕法尼亚州教育部的要求和能力,以及学术标准和锚点.

作为实习经历的一部分, students will earn a minimum of 4 on the PDE 430 form and not earn a 0 in any category.

另外, in order to become certified in the state of Pennsylvania, students will have to successfully pass the appropriate certification tests for their area.


Chatham University is committed to supporting its graduates from this program. 校友办公室和教育部与校友沟通就业活动, 校园演讲, 培训, local and regional conferences and classes that support professional development. In addition, the faculty are available to mentor former graduates upon request. 所有学生信息每年更新一次. 


教师是有成就的教师、学者、实践者和活跃的领导者.  我们关心我们的社区和我们的星球, and those commitments are apparent in all the work that we do. 

<艺术icle aria-label=" 教师 Member 1 - 克里斯汀哈蒂" class="people-slider__itself__slide people-slider__person"> 克里斯汀·哈蒂的照片
项目负责人 & 特殊教育副教授
<艺术icle aria-label=" 教师 Member 2 - 希瑟·坎宁安" class="people-slider__itself__slide people-slider__person"> 希瑟·坎宁安摄
<艺术icle aria-label=" 教师 Member 3 - 克里斯蒂·刘易斯" class="people-slider__itself__slide people-slider__person"> 克里斯蒂·刘易斯摄
<艺术icle aria-label=" 教师 Member 4 - 艾伦Ashburn" class="people-slider__itself__slide people-slider__person"> 标志:查塔姆公司
<艺术icle aria-label=" 教师 Member 5 - 伯大尼Fenyus" class="people-slider__itself__slide people-slider__person"> 标志:查塔姆公司
<艺术icle aria-label=" 教师 Member 6 - 凯利亨德森" class="people-slider__itself__slide people-slider__person"> 标志:查塔姆公司
<艺术icle aria-label=" 教师 Member 7 - 玛格丽特Ritson" class="people-slider__itself__slide people-slider__person"> 标志:查塔姆公司
<艺术icle aria-label=" 教师 Member 8 - Neelaveni Sankar" class="people-slider__itself__slide people-slider__person"> 标志:查塔姆公司
<艺术icle aria-label=" 教师 Member 9 - Josh Slifkin" class="people-slider__itself__slide people-slider__person"> 标志:查塔姆公司
<艺术icle aria-label=" 教师 Member 10 - 罗恩Sobolewski" class="people-slider__itself__slide people-slider__person"> 标志:查塔姆公司
<艺术icle aria-label="Checkerboard 1 - 教育证书" class="checkerboard__item">
Photo of a student with glasses and bright red hair, typing on her laptop during class


有兴趣升入中学的学生, 艺术, 或在查塔姆学院主修其内容领域的音乐教师,并完成45个学分的教育证书. 选项包括英语认证, 社会研究, 数学, 7-12年级的生物课, K-12年级的艺术或音乐.

<艺术icle aria-label="Checkerboard 2 - 教育研究方法" class="checkerboard__item">


在教育研究方法课上, 教育专业学生为环境特许学校(ECS)进行行动研究项目. Chatham students visited the ECS intermediate school, 与学校领导交谈, 然后设计了一项调查,以检查ECS学生如何理解公平和可持续性的概念. 数据的课堂分析结果被提供给ECS学校领导,以指导他们继续开展这些概念的教学工作.

<艺术icle aria-label="Checkerboard 3 - 我们的使命" class="checkerboard__item">
Photo of two female Chatham University students working in the library, one looking at a book and one looking at her computer


Chatham’s 教育 Division p艺术ners with students, 老师, and the community in support of transformation for social justice and sustainability. 我们挑战剥夺边缘群体权利的不公平教育和其他社会制度. We are committed to equitable learning and living experiences for all.

<艺术icle aria-label="Checkerboard 4 - 我们的愿景" class="checkerboard__item">
Photo of two Chatham University students paying attention to a lecture


查塔姆国际事务学院的教育部门致力于培养并成为关怀他人的教育工作者和社区成员, 同情, 和乐观. We understand that learning is a reciprocal and lifelong process. We listen to and tap into the wisdom of youth and communities. We advocate for people with marginalized social identities. We help youth understand the world they live in and challenge them to transform it. We work to form active citizens that create just and ecologically sound communities.

<艺术icle aria-label="Slide 1 - 学生简介:奥布里·劳伦斯,22岁" class="photo-slider__slide">
Photo of a woman standing in front of a classroom teaching on a projector.


22岁的中学英语教育学生奥布里·劳伦斯(Aubrey Lawrence)展示了她设计的一个基于项目的单元,让教师与查塔姆国际事务学院的教师和社区组织的领导人一起参加 黑人学习状况会议. Her unit was about youth-led, systemic community transformation. 奥布里与“更好街区行动”的社区领袖娜蒂莎·华盛顿和查塔姆市教育部的凯利·亨德森共同出席了颁奖典礼. 

<艺术icle aria-label="Slide 2 - 校友简介:Lexi Kalpla '19" class="photo-slider__slide">

校友简介:Lexi Kalpla '19

Lexi Kapla ’19 is a double major in PreK4 教育 and 可持续性. 刚刚过去的这个夏天, 她协助了一个由教师主导的研究项目,研究当地一所学校教师对可持续性和公平性的理解. 在学年期间, Lexi works as p艺术 of the 伊甸堂校园 K-12 team, leading sustainability-related field trips for area students. 






412-419-3772 (适用标准短信/短讯收费)





Or, answer a few questions and we will be glad to help.
